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  Forum » Off-topic » mister cap Interview Date
3168 msgs.
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It was about time that somebody started making interviews again. As the game is unavoidably going to the end of an era, these months are a nice chance to meet a little bit more some of the persons we face daily in this game. I wanted to start with the Italian boy mister cap. A member of my PL, a great manager and a better friend. He accepted my request to interview him so some days ago we met in a Ristorante to speak about general topics... In front of me a hungry boy a little bit desperate because his Risotto was taking too much time to be ready... "these Italians always so late...". Surprising statement. I guess that's why they create fast cars, to compensate that a little bit...

<Interviewer Dnsvnsk> Buongiorno mister cap, Come stai? Tutto bene?

<mister cap> Buongiorno dani
-MC-: Si io sto molto bene e tu?

-DNS-: I'm fine, thanks.
-DNS-: Ora.. Ready for the interview?

-MC-: Ok, go ahead

-DNS-: The following questions have been made mainly by me, but some brothers had interest about things regarding your life too.

-MC-: Oh ok so it's a gang not a Brotherhood

-DNS-: Kind of.

-MC-: Hehehe.

-DNS-: 1st one... Are you the typical italian stereotype? And by that I mean if you are that kind of boy who is constantly flirting with all the girls, half-metrosexual, making a lot of gestures, lover of Italian food, with Ferrari tattoos...

-MC-: as an Italian I don't think I know very well the stereotype of myself
-MC-: but I'd say I am a typical one, yes.

-DNS-: As some people might know your name in English is a girl name... how can you prove that you are not a girl?

-MC-: Hahahaha obviously.
-MC-: If you go to google transaltor and you write 'Michele' in Italian, the transaltion in English will be Michael.
-MC-: The female name in Italian is MichelA. In italian -A generally stays for Female.
-MC-: I can talk about some adventures I had but I don't know if that they are prooves

-DNS-: That's good enough. Next one... what is your favourite cap?

-MC-: lool what do you mean?

-DNS-: you know.. because of your name... mister 'cap'.

-MC-: Yeah
-MC-: Honestly? I have never ever put a cap on my head. I simply hate that.
-MC-: Also because the "Cap" is in my surname... so I always wear one

-DNS-: What is your favourite sport and team?

-MC-: Football - Internazionale of Milan
-MC-: Basketball - Fortitudo Bologna (but more years ago)
-MC-: And... also a little bit of rugby.
-MC-: But I watch only some Nations matches

-DNS-: What do you think about Italian people such as Berlusconi and Balotelli?

-MC-: One of them is becoming worse than Freddy Krueger.
-MC-: I can't spell his name but it is the first one you wrote.
-MC-: About Balotelli instead... he is a simply a stupid guy who is a genius in football.
-MC-: But only in that... maybe the best word to define him is 'immature'

"Oh here's my risotto... Vafanculo, I'll never come back to this place!"

-DNS-: Ok this one is easy...

-MC-: Shoot

-DNS-: In the very strange case that Italy doesn't win it... Who's winning the 2014 WC?

-MC-: loool Considering that Italy has no chance to win I would say: Argentina or Brazil
-MC-: The second one has better chance
-MC-: Oh I would have said also Sweden... but that sh*t Ronaldo thought different things

-DNS-: haha yes


-DNS-: Somebody wanted to know the differences between American and Italian pizza... defend your land's food!

-MC-: Italian Pizza is THE Pizza, while American Pizza is only a common dish... did you understand SW?

-DNS-: Haha actually that question was made by Shehroze.

-MC-: Oh sorry Sheeeeeh
-MC-: Well I will complete my answer...
-MC-: American Pizza is: put everything you want... I don't care if those things stay well togheter
-MC-: Italian Pizza is instead: pay attention... if you are wrong I will not pay you
-MC-: Pratically a Religion... specially in Napoli.

-DNS-: How come that an Italian is good with tactics in SM? You are supposed to be a Catenaccio man!

-MC-: Hahahahah
-MC-: That's another stereotype about Italians
-MC-: Honeslty catenccio doesn't exist since a long time here in Italy.
-MC-: Maybe offside trap yeah... But catenaccio specially in its old style... surely not.
-MC-: Anyway I'm playing something similar to a catenaccio in this game hehehe
-MC-: we can call it 'Dynamic Catenaccio'.

-DNS-: What about music? What do you listen to?

-MC-: When I was younger I listened above all.. Reggae.
-MC-: Actually all kind of music, nothing specific.
-MC-: If I like... I listen to

-DNS-: Can we say that you are an italian weed smoker gangsta?

-MC-: (Laughs) No, no, come on... I don't smoke grass, only tobacco.
-MC-: And I also hate violence.
-MC-: I prefer to fight with words instead of with hands.

-DNS-: Another country you'd love to visit or to live in?

-MC-: There are a lot... one in my dream is for sure Puerto Rico.
-MC-: I would love to stay at the Caribean Sea. It's always sunny and high ºC.
-MC-: My dream was to open a Bar there, or making something enjoying.
-MC-: Honeslty I think Italy is the worst place to live in at the moment.

-DNS-: What can the world learn from you? What can you offer to it?

-MC-: From me? Few or nothing I think... maybe actually only the way I think it will be great to live.
-MC-: But this means that I'd have to open a philosophical/psychological thread and I don't want people to run away

-DNS-: You are underestimating the future readers of this interview!

-MC-: (Laughs) No, I've only had the experience (with you) with lifeguard
-MC-: loool that day (3-4 weeks ago) he simply ran away

-DNS-: If you could learn a random skill what one would it be?

-MC-: Oh... mmmm... Also here more... Let me think.
-MC-: Let me guess... no spiritual answers are accepted?

-DNS-: It's your interview, there are no rules.

-MC-: Ok so the first thing is what I wrote before...
-MC-: As it doesn't exist only one-way to live... I think I would like to "learn" more about that.
-MC-: Then about concrete things... I would like to know in which way can somebody love going to the GYM? Please someone explain that to me
-MC-: I would like to learn also something about public relations.
-MC-: There I'm not more skilled... I simply hate making "Public Work Relation".
-MC-: Mmmm... and actually I discovered that I've forgotten how to cook well... too many freeze pizza in these months. So maybe I'd like to improve that as well
-MC-: Those ones are enough
-MC-: Ahh I forgot! ... To improve my English hahaha

-DNS-: So many... What is your passion in life?

-MC-: I would say psycho, football, women, friends, walk alone around the city, (sometimes) cooking and that's pretty much it.
-MC-: Oh, and also surfing the Internet

-DNS-: Nice. Regarding that last thing... It's known that you dislike social networks... any explanation for the addicts to them?

-MC-: 1st explanation: professional reasons.
-MC-: More implication to those psycho one who had a social profile.
-MC-: You have to put more attention and I am that one
-MC-: 2nd: I prefer to talk "tete a tete"
-MC-: I think Social Networks simply put off your... How can I say... When you have less will or desire?
-MC-: So they simply put off your desire to meet people.
-MC-: If I can contact everyone there... why would I need to meet in RL?
-MC-: And a 3rd explanation - I could be addict to them.

-DNS-: Now some boring SM stuff.

-MC-: Come on, I'm also ready for that

-DNS-: You said you are quitting when new server comes... will you miss anything from here? Is that decision permanent?

-MC-: Yeah... unfortunately my deadline will be June 2014 for sure.
-MC-: I will miss all of you. In fact for this reason I'm planning to come into the game sometimes and give a "hello". But without playing.
-MC-: Obviously if there is somebody else there

-DNS-: I see. What about your life plans in a mid term? Anything special coming?

-MC-: I have taken a studio (room) to see future patients.
-MC-: Also someone purpose me to make lesson (with good payment) around Italy during weekend.
-MC-: I would say those 2 are the most important things about work.

-DNS-: What kind of lessons?

-MC-: About sexology.
-MC-: Education of sexuality in a long life consideration.
-MC-: I will speak to doctors... to another psychologists... it'll be hard and enjoyable I think

-DNS-: Anything about devs, new server, other @s, SM stuff in general?

-MC-: Naa... business is business and they lead only that... Personally I think that if they made their choices there will be a good reason.
-MC-: I can simply decide to stay or to quit. At least now I have nothing else in mind.

-DNS-: Ok. To start finishing the interview...
-DNS-: Is there anything you'd like to say to the SM community?

-MC-: I will write something when I leave the game.
-MC-: Surely, about: don't forget Real Life... above all for the youngest ones
-MC-: No others things to SM community.
-MC-: To Brotherhood instead... I really had a nice time here with you.

-DNS-: Ok that was all... Thanks for your time mister cap. And good luck for the future!
-MC-: Thanks to you, Dani. For the time you have spent here.

It was a nice dinner, everything was as Italian as possible, the waiter was called Luigi, there were FIATs parked outside, the Juventus game was on the screens and everybody was shouting.

-MC-: Oh... one last thing!
-MC-: I'm looking for an aged ~87 avg OM!

Edited by @Dnsvnsk 22-11-2013 11:50
21/11/2013 16:55
  - Div/Gr
4213 msgs.
Best scorer
Haha... Nice...
Very Nice..

And thank God @Dns didnt get Drunk today
21/11/2013 23:54
  - Div/Gr
3880 msgs.
Best scorer
Whoooooo interviews are back!!

Let me know when its my turn and i will have the guinness and potatoes ready xD
22/11/2013 02:05
  - Div/Gr
3168 msgs.
Best scorer
@bowsey1986 said:
Whoooooo interviews are back!!

Let me know when its my turn and i will have the guinness and potatoes ready xD

I will, let me come up with some questions first lol
22/11/2013 02:57
  - Div/Gr
99 msgs.
Due to the fact that the general populace goes to the gym only because of social pressures they don't tend to enjoy it.
Going to the gym requires passion and determination, it being coupled with a loveable community and a peaceful atmosphere can prove to be fun . Plus, gym feeds your confidence(not to a dangerous level) so gets kind of addicting, although maintaining modesty and composure is important. Which is certainly not maintained by most of the people today so they appear to be as douchebags which has led us today to having some stereotypes. So it's fun if you do it for fun and enjoy fitness
And great interview lol
22/11/2013 05:39
  - Div/Gr
2149 msgs.
Best scorer
good initiative to start em up again. Never knew much about mister cap, so this was genuinely a good one. Good luck to you mister on those lectures... I am sure they will be enjoyable as you intend them too be.

22/11/2013 09:32
  - Div/Gr
1984 msgs.
It was a nice moment that one in the Ristorante with Dani and some other Bros in "video conference"
Only that f*ck Risotto was really disgusting

22/11/2013 13:20
  - Div/Gr
591 msgs.
MVP of the game
Lol! Wow,great interview... 22/11/2013 20:12
  - Div/Gr
483 msgs.
First-team player
Edited due to awful grammar and slanderous remarks.

Edited by @bowsey1986 22-11-2013 22:19
22/11/2013 21:21
  - Div/Gr
21370 msgs.
Golden Ball
Good 23/11/2013 13:08
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
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