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  Forum » Doubts and questions » I can't have money Date
6 msgs.
If you do not complete the required accessories, the Federation will penalize you with 61% of the box office of the matches played in your stadium

I took this equipment weeks ago but from the first day it is asking me for the construction

How do they want me to do the construction, if I haven't played and I barely generate money and the little I get they are taking it from me

Edited by pacci1992 14-02-2023 04:37
14/02/2023 04:35
  🧡💛Spain National - Div3/Gr9
499 msgs.
First-team player
It is what it is.

This is what comes with the many advantages of starting in division 4.

You will find a way around it like everyone else who was in your shoe.😜😜
14/02/2023 14:07
  ®FC Orffer - Div3/Gr6
4039 msgs.
Best scorer
Sorry to hear this.
It's not well/at all informed when you make the choice to change division.
FYI I have updated the FAQ to include more on accessories - hope this increases your knowledge:

For your immediate situation, I would look at doing a few things until your stadium renovation is complete.
- Try to focus on staying in Div. 4. I know this is obvious but if you relegate you will find those Div-4-quality accessories pretty expensive if you do manage to upgrade.
- Take a look at your ticket prices - it seems you could be generating more stadium revenue.
- Don't spend any money on anything that is unnecessary - no new players, no more stadium upgrades. If you have access to a bank loan use it to upgrade one or two accessories if you can but otherwise just use a loan to keep you in the black until your new stadium hopefully provides a boost.
- Run your store and catering. It may not generate much but it will be something.
- When your stadium upgrade is complete, put all your available cash into getting your accessories up to standard.

One last thing - do not assume you will relegate from Div. 4. It is quite common that even if you finish below 12th place you will regenerate again next season in Div 4 again.

Edited by @sicox86 14-02-2023 15:19
14/02/2023 14:29
  FC Kylle - Div2/Gr3
6 msgs.
I've been playing since 2009 on the Spanish server, I'm not new, the problem is on the server, the sanction must be fulfilled when the user has gone through the middle of the season, they are taking money from me from day one. And they try to give me solutions when the error is in the system hahahaha

Edited by pacci1992 15-02-2023 08:32
15/02/2023 08:31
  🧡💛Spain National - Div3/Gr9
4039 msgs.
Best scorer
pacci1992 said:
I've been playing since 2009 on the Spanish server, I'm not new, the problem is on the server, the sanction must be fulfilled when the user has gone through the middle of the season, they are taking money from me from day one. And they try to give me solutions when the error is in the system hahahaha

As you're an expert in the requirements you will know this is not an error in the system but the system working correctly.
Good luck getting out of the situation you put yourself in.
15/02/2023 11:42
  FC Kylle - Div2/Gr3
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