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  Forum » General » GK getting the skill sucked out of them Date
44 msgs.
Child's coach
My goalkeepers are losing massive amounts of skill per day (between .3 and ,5) per day. They are 29 and 31 years old.
Training is diversified with keeper specific stuff every 4 days or so...Why are my guys turning into shitty goalies?

Are they being prima donnas? Wtf?

My trainer is 53% - yeah not great but I jsut started in this game. I don;t want to keep having to buy new goalies after 'using them up'.

Seems a bit unrealistic. Even after scheduling emergency keeper training they still drop a huge chunk after the game...

any thoughts?
19/08/2011 15:57
  Orange Crush - Div3/Gr5
1835 msgs.
FAQ. Read the FAQs. Players with red arrows decrease when they are trained...so quit training gks and or get a younger gk.h 19/08/2011 16:05
  - Div/Gr
395 msgs.
First-team player
As the previous poster pointed out, players who have red arrows decrease with training. You will get more out of your goalies if you cease doing any goalie training if they are that age. 19/08/2011 16:13
  - Div/Gr
715 msgs.
MVP of the game
Yup, older players lose skill when they train, because it makes total sense that a 27 year old is considered old and loses skill as he practices... NOT

Man, they really need to change that for the next version.
19/08/2011 19:33
  - Div/Gr
677 msgs.
MVP of the game
They're too old and are already planning for retirement. Hence they only think about their pension when training. 19/08/2011 21:44
  - Div/Gr
935 msgs.
MVP of the game
your right maybe i have noticed my frnds told me that he got a 33 yr old gk and losses only when he trains the gk 19/08/2011 21:47
  - Div/Gr
715 msgs.
MVP of the game
Perfect one said:
They're too old and are already planning for retirement. Hence they only think about their pension when training.

I guess that should be part of the next version too then, we can sign up with better insurance companies and retirement homes
20/08/2011 01:03
  - Div/Gr
44 msgs.
Child's coach
Thanks for the feedback guys

29 and washed up...who knew

Guess I'll look for a 17 yr old to start on my Sr team...being in the prime of his football life and all....sheesh

20/08/2011 03:03
  Orange Crush - Div3/Gr5
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