Forum » Doubts and questions » Training Day 2.5 - SUCCESS | Date | |
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball
Training run looks like it completed successfully, check your players for green and red arrows. Give @rand/@internat thanks. Total success may have been premature. this is an edit.... @rand said to give it to tomorrow to see all impacts. Check this player for what it should look like. *********************** DAY 2.5 UPDATE OVER THIS LINE ************************************************* Read first - before asking "Where's my training and stamina?!?!" ************************** DAY 2 UPDATE OVER THIS LINE ************************************************************** It looks like recovery failed during the middle of the run, causing training to never execute. I say this, because some teams have recovered, while other teams (like mine) have not. And no one has trained that I have heard. I'm posting this so that you all know that the admin has been made aware of the situation and will comment on it today (I'm moderator, not admin), so please remain patient while they work through this. We will try our best to get answers today on this issue. (Note the phrase: "We hope everything works fine tonight, if not, please bear with us, and we will try to fixt it asap This is a major change, and many things can go wrong.") They will try to fix it ASAP. Edited by @GunnerNic 04-10-2011 11:10 Edited by @rebsiot 05-10-2011 05:13 Edited by @rebsiot 05-10-2011 05:14 Edited by @rebsiot 05-10-2011 06:00 Edited by @rebsiot 05-10-2011 17:06 Edited by @rebsiot 05-10-2011 17:53 |
04/10/2011 08:19 |
- Div/Gr | ||
280 msgs.
First-team player
We will activate recover button in a few minutes, so you can get your stamina back. It looks like the process went out of memory at some point, that's why some teams trained and others didn't. We are aware that the limitation of 2 trainings x week is not working either, we will have to reset all the trainings scheduled in order to solve this, most likely. Expect an official announcement when the programmers have taken a look at the problem. |
04/10/2011 08:44 |
- Div/Gr | ||
54 msgs.
i had a full 99 stamina recovery without the recovery button today... after having played a league match.... i had my physiotherapist worked and afterwards it did recover 5pts... but when i checked my lineup it recovered to 99... i hope things get sorted out.... |
04/10/2011 09:23 |
- Div/Gr | ||
1241 msgs.
The Stamin just Popped Up to 99% now. | 04/10/2011 09:39 |
- Div/Gr | ||
29 msgs.
Child's coach
The recovery bottom has dissapeared in my formation page. Is it a bug or something? | 04/10/2011 17:47 |
- Div/Gr | ||
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball
since stamina was restored to 99%, there is no need for the recovery button. |
04/10/2011 17:48 |
- Div/Gr | ||
6 msgs.
my stamina and moral are low, and the training afect negatively my best players from 4 to 1 point down, please check it. | 04/10/2011 20:44 |
- Div/Gr | ||
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball
everything looks fine on there. Use your psychologist to increase morale Your stamina is down due to gameplay. Training hasn't been started yet. you are good |
04/10/2011 20:48 |
- Div/Gr | ||
61 msgs.
My morale is up to 99 but my stamina is not there yet. I have games back to back and I don't seem to know what I can do to fully recover. Can I get my recover button for this week? ![]() |
04/10/2011 23:56 |
- Div/Gr | ||
715 msgs.
MVP of the game
Still no training? I qui qui qu qui... Shoot, I can't say it. Better keep playing ![]() Please keep us updated. |
05/10/2011 05:23 |
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