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  Forum » General » best stadium seating ratios Date
67 msgs.
I was wondering what people thought were the best ratios of the different types of seating to maximize income each game? 16/10/2011 01:40
  - Div/Gr
5205 msgs.
Golden Ball
It varies from opponent to opponent depending also on your win record. The only sure way is the optimize button. I'm sure other users will have suggestions you can try. One clear pattern: the better your opponent, the higher your prices should be. 16/10/2011 02:53
  - Div/Gr
67 msgs.
I have filled my stadium with $10/standing , $40/general, $60/pro. You are div 5. You should have at least 6 to 12000 pro. Believe me, they make a significant difference in bottom line. This will help fill rest of your seats. 16/10/2011 03:46
  - Div/Gr
54 msgs.
I have 45 standing, 55 general, 110 pro and 165 vip, a lot depends on your division and opponent 16/10/2011 13:14
  - Div/Gr
935 msgs.
MVP of the game

Edited by s_rajeev18 16-10-2011 13:17
16/10/2011 13:16
  - Div/Gr
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball
I think he's talking about the number of seats, not the price 16/10/2011 16:35
  - Div/Gr
1390 msgs.
how bout price and # of seats?

Apparently you should sell out 75% of your seats...any more than that and the system says you should raise prices?
16/10/2011 17:20
  Scum Utd - Div2/Gr2
5569 msgs.
Golden Ball
Sell or 95% when it sells out, they're too high.

Keep raising by 2 per seat per game until you sell out, then back down 1
16/10/2011 18:54
  - Div/Gr
67 msgs.
yea, I think that the number of people who attend are not affected just on the price of seats but on the ratio of seating types in the stadium and I was wondering what other people had success with in terms of best ratios. I know that the prices which stadiums will sell out differ by division, but I think the ratio idea should generally be the same? 16/10/2011 19:24
  - Div/Gr
5205 msgs.
Golden Ball
Get as many pro and VIP seats as you can possibly afford without taking out loans. That's the best seat ratio. General and standing don't fill as well and don't make as much per seat.

Although Pro/VIP may not make as much initially, in higher divisions the prices go way up and so does revenue.
16/10/2011 21:04
  - Div/Gr
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