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  Forum » Foro Liga Masters » Nigerian Managers Only!! Date
9897 msgs.
Golden Ball
chikaotuu said:
Whatamidoinghere said:
Hey midd did you sell your match? Can you tell me what the hell happen here http://en3.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=9866890

Opening old wound....hmmmm

old? Am just coming back from my honey moon with my books so it's new for me Lol. Now midd answer.
08/12/2012 23:04
  - Div/Gr
81 msgs.
Ma greatest victory ever in SM http://en3.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=9601824&accion=datos 08/12/2012 23:11
  - Div/Gr
2748 msgs.
Best scorer
Whatamidoinghere said:
Hey midd did you sell your match? Can you tell me what the hell happen here http://en3.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=9866890

Am sure d guy played lyk 80effort
i culdnt watch

Edited by midd 08-12-2012 23:29
08/12/2012 23:26
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Whatamidoinghere said:
chikaotuu said:
Whatamidoinghere said:
Hey midd did you sell your match? Can you tell me what the hell happen here http://en3.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=9866890

Opening old wound....hmmmm

old? Am just coming back from my honey moon with my books so it's new for me Lol. Now midd answer.

honey moon
09/12/2012 01:25
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
2032 msgs.
Best scorer
Whatamidoinghere said:
chikaotuu said:
Whatamidoinghere said:
Hey midd did you sell your match? Can you tell me what the hell happen here http://en3.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=9866890

Opening old wound....hmmmm

old? Am just coming back from my honey moon with my books so it's new for me Lol. Now midd answer.

No be small honey mood....hope say na 4 space una stay do'am
09/12/2012 03:58
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Space,inside the sun,will be beta 09/12/2012 03:59
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
2032 msgs.
Best scorer
Bigdaddy1 said:
Ma greatest victory ever in SM http://en3.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=9601824&accion=datos

Well done man....u re really on fire after being relegated. Take am easy with ya terrorising of da div ooo
09/12/2012 03:59
  - Div/Gr
2032 msgs.
Best scorer
Oyewale said:
Space,inside the sun,will be beta

09/12/2012 04:00
  - Div/Gr
2032 msgs.
Best scorer
250th page on point..... 09/12/2012 04:01
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
chikaotuu said:
Oyewale said:
Space,inside the sun,will be beta


09/12/2012 04:01
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
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