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  Forum » Doubts and questions » having 25 players in your jnr team Date
4103 msgs.
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Hmmm,,if rest my case then 12/12/2017 17:53
  - Div/Gr
4103 msgs.
Best scorer
Hmmm,,i rest my case then 12/12/2017 17:53
  - Div/Gr
2371 msgs.
Best scorer
Mr Temmy said:
POPMAN. 1. said:
Maximum of 25 that's all
But if you loaned 3 out and you have 22
You can recruit another 3 to make it 25 players again
Loaned players are not counted as part of your squad for that season

this is not true bro,,,,if you have 3 players out on loan you won't be able to sign upto 25 players in your squad again....the max is 22 so plus the 3 players on loan making 25

Thats your reasoning talking not your knowledge of it...
Reasoned the same way too, before brezzette came and cleared the doubt.
13/12/2017 20:03
  - Div/Gr
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