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  Forum » General » Promotion Date
19 msgs.
Cant seem to find any promotion scedule so I`ll ask in here: Who gets promoted from the Leagues?
13/03/2020 18:55
  - Div/Gr
3967 msgs.
Best scorer
ragman said:
Cant seem to find any promotion scedule so I`ll ask in here: Who gets promoted from the Leagues?

1st and 2nd already promoted from your league regardless of your result ...

13/03/2020 23:28
  - Div/Gr
983 msgs.
MVP of the game
ragman said:
Cant seem to find any promotion scedule so I`ll ask in here: Who gets promoted from the Leagues?

it's usually the teams in green on the board (so 1st and 2nd)
however sometimes exceptions happen..
Sometimes the game by chance (no specific person!!) sends a request for a manager to replace another team in a higher or same div but different group/position. However the other team would be a system bot with no manager. If this happens then both teams would switch places.

Other times, in div6 only. the game also promotes any manager that has been active for a while even if he's not 1st/2nd.
14/03/2020 10:13
  The Last Dance 🕊️ - Div1/Gr1
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