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  Forum » Doubts and questions » It is No longer fun. Date
Do you observe this too???
I don't care
4103 msgs.
Best scorer
I think the new season auction is no longer fun has it used to be.
Most players were auctioned with price infact some players price are above their market value.
I remembere when I use to save money right from the middle of the season just to buy free players at the beginning of a season like this ,setting my alarm to 2am just to bid for a player at the last minutes everything is now gone.
The fun that comes from the auction fight cannot be overlooked too.
That is my observation tho if you have anything contradictory drop it in the comment section.
22/06/2020 19:11
  - Div/Gr
1 msgs.
Ball boy
Mr Temmy said:
I think the new season auction is no longer fun has it used to be.
Most players were auctioned with price infact some players price are above their market value.
I remembere when I use to save money right from the middle of the season just to buy free players at the beginning of a season like this ,setting my alarm to 2am just to bid for a player at the last minutes everything is now gone.
The fun that comes from the auction fight cannot be overlooked too.
That is my observation tho if you have anything contradictory drop it in the comment section.

I noticed too
It's heartbreaking 💔

22/06/2020 19:20
  - Div/Gr
1344 msgs.
I also noticed that and I planned to buy those players 23/06/2020 08:31
  2 IN 1 BUSINESS - Div3/Gr7
409 msgs.
First-team player
I noticed it too, I barely sleep on Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday once its the beginning of a new season but we have to adapt to these new changes 23/06/2020 09:20
  🕯️OYEWALE 🕊️ - Div2/Gr3
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
No free players on auction this time??? 23/06/2020 18:05
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
4103 msgs.
Best scorer
@Oyewale said:
No free players on auction this time???[/quote.

many of them were auctioned at a price above their market value. To cut the story short there is no free players this season
I don't know if those managers looking for 60 to 70 average players got some but there is no free 80s and above players.

Edited by Mr Temmy 23-06-2020 19:21
23/06/2020 19:18
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Bound to happen, if there's no players, do you expect the game to make them up? 23/06/2020 19:22
  🦊3773™ - Div3/Gr6
2854 msgs.
Best scorer
the market is evolving ,you have to adapt to it 23/06/2020 20:12
  - Div/Gr
791 msgs.
MVP of the game
@Oyewale said:
Bound to happen, if there's no players, do you expect the game to make them up?

But there are some managers that left the game maybe from being banned and sanctioned, their players can be auction from 0$ but all are going down
23/06/2020 23:05
  - Div/Gr
4103 msgs.
Best scorer
Technology said:
@Oyewale said:
Bound to happen, if there's no players, do you expect the game to make them up?

But there are some managers that left the game maybe from being banned and sanctioned, their players can be auction from 0$ but all are going down

Exactly. It's not a must the devs create player what about all these players that their teams got banned or reset??
24/06/2020 08:08
  - Div/Gr
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