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  Forum » General » Impossible Tasks Date
1592 msgs.
How do new managers compete with managers who are buying now from the deposit they got from players sold 8-10 seasons ago. 8-10 seasons ago managers were making high deposits with 4bn+ 5bn+ from one player sales each. Same category of these players are getting sold for 1.5bn these days. If new managers sell them for more they get double fine and get into trouble.

So the Big Question is.

How Do New Managers Compete with Old Deposits???

Sounds like an impossible task.

Edited by SIRYEMMY 17-06-2022 00:34
17/06/2022 00:32
  - Div/Gr
4210 msgs.
Best scorer
You do what the rest of us have done - sell-off and rebuild from the ground up. But it means giving up Div 1, doesn't it?

How about a different question - how do new managers compete with existing managers who used the basketball PL to build monster forwards with outrageous skills at a young age?

Since this post isn't really a question but a complaint, I close.
17/06/2022 01:11
  FC need more holidays - Div3/Gr7
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