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  Forum » General » New Striker Generation achievement not awarded Date
1058 msgs.
New Striker Generation achievement not awarded for winning a game with starting line-up of players with maximum age 20 years-old. oh no..

Lineup link: https://en.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=35986101&accion=alineaciones

Please help

Edited by wittyprakash 21-09-2022 16:55
21/09/2022 16:54
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Try it next time without using older substitutes or no substitute at all! 21/09/2022 20:07
  🦊3773™ - Div2/Gr1
2955 msgs.
Best scorer
Two of your players were temp promoted.

Try it again without them. It should work, I got it after returning a few years back.
21/09/2022 20:08
  AFCB Mercenaries - Div4/Gr13
513 msgs.
MVP of the game
I think too,it because of temp. promote players or subtitutions for sure. 22/09/2022 19:35
  🇭🇷 F.C. Lions - Div1/Gr1
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Yeah, I agree too! 22/09/2022 19:37
  🦊3773™ - Div2/Gr1
1058 msgs.
Thank you guys.. it's a bug and ur work around helped me..

There was another bug that the achievement worked even though I lost the game in the friendly game.

Happy I didn't get any injuries today and completed the achievement.

You have unlocked: New Striker generation reaching the milestone 1.

Edited by wittyprakash 23-09-2022 07:49
23/09/2022 07:40
  - Div/Gr
21587 msgs.
Golden Ball
Congratulations! 23/09/2022 08:02
  🦊3773™ - Div2/Gr1
3756 msgs.
Best scorer
wittyprakash said:
New Striker Generation achievement not awarded for winning a game with starting line-up of players with maximum age 20 years-old. oh no..

Lineup link: https://en.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=35986101&accion=alineaciones

Please help

Edited by wittyprakash 21-09-2022 16:55

Holy F*ck you are still playing this game. I thought you would have been removed by now based on your stupidity.
08/10/2022 03:59
  - Div/Gr
199 msgs.
lucifercave said:
wittyprakash said:
New Striker Generation achievement not awarded for winning a game with starting line-up of players with maximum age 20 years-old. oh no..

Lineup link: https://en.strikermanager.com/partido.php?id=35986101&accion=alineaciones

Please help

Edited by wittyprakash 21-09-2022 16:55

Holy F*ck you are still playing this game. I thought you would have been removed by now based on your stupidity.

Someone tell me who this man, first is digging of old thread and no fiscal said a thing and now this.

Is he an admin or one of the developers or what?

Edited by depay210 09-10-2022 19:00
09/10/2022 19:00
  - Div/Gr
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