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@Oyewale added the following training schedule for LIM, IM and RIM.

@Oyewale said:

As a xIMs trainer, it dishearten me anytime I see sh*tty mids, low shot, low tackling and low aggressiveness.

The training goes thus:
Shot on goal*
Indepth passing
Ball control

(*= should be focused on when players are young, 14-15yo, others are easy to train and can be boosted later)

Thank you!.

Buckeye623 added the following thoughts:

It's surely possible to do as Oye said earlier in the thread for xIM :
Age 14-15
2x shooting
2x tackling
2x running
1x passing
1x ball control [and repeat from the start]
Then move to 2x of all 5 during ages 16 and up

Note the other element is the formation used.. 6 xIM is the most allowed to start at any one time, 2 of each.

These trainings for xIM max the position "IM" as well. If there was time, only difference for IM training would include RWB (running with ball) for leadership.. but that's really a training that's worthwhile only for the technique of CDF.. and that's why many/most IM's you'll find have low leadership. As well, note that training RWB for IM's does nothing for the rest of your xIM's.. and so it's not generally done because it wastes the days of the non-IM's you're training.

IM's won't really get fully trained until age 23/24 thus if you see an IM with even decent leadership.. 99% of the time, whoever trained him bought him around that age and started him while training xDF.

If you're not familiar with the Excel sheet listing out the top trainings for each stat by position.. dig it out and start thinking through trainings. Helps with your understanding of the game..

See here for the discussion on training schedules in general: http://en3.strikermanager.com/foros/hilo.php?id=520584

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Training schedules

Edited by @sicox86 17-02-2023 12:06
17/02/2023 11:58
  FC Kylle - Div2/Gr3
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