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SIRYEMMY added the following training schedule for LF, CF and RF.


Attacking Header ×2
Crossing the ball×2
Beating Markers×2
Penalty shot 1

Mind you I've always made adjustments as I'll make sure my forwards get speed and enough strength in jnr, then I adjust the trainings in senior to Sprint×1 and penalty shot×2.

Caglaryu added the following thoughts:

Caglaryu said:
In addition to SY training ;

In regards with training CFs together with XFs there will always be a challenge to balance the speed and strength of CFS .

The challenge here is the problem in que of the training schedule.you cannot schedule repeating Sprint x times .It is limited to 2 and you have to schedule others for several days in order to reschedule the sprint .
Sprint builds the strength and the speed BUT overall training coefficient of the sprint training is much lower than attacking headers ,beating markers and crossing the ball .
So what is the solution ? as known by most of the experienced managers , you need to make temporary promotion to juniors in such a sequence that they receive extra sprint training while they go to the senior squad . Do not forget that they will come back to junior team after 72 hours .
So make your promotion in such a way that they come back Friday after league game.If you can allow them play in first squad 15 mins , they will come back with higher motivation and collect lots.
Be aware that there is a development curve and when juniors get older and when the overall average is higher , their development slows down .So SHOT/DRIBBLING/SPEED/STRENGTH/TECHNIQUE should be developed in a balanced way to reach finally 99. If you will pump the leadership with Penalty shots,it will raise the average but will create problem later on to balance the rest.Therefore leadership should not ever exceed the overall average .

To improve the speed of CFs, adex4real02 suggested the following:

Max temp promotion.
Sprint x2 and Crossing the ball x1 when returned to jnr team Repeat Sprint x2 crossing the ball x2
Repeat it at 14yo and 15yo

If stats not well balanced repeat at 16yo

You have to make sure you fix sprint x2 to your training schedule from the scratch

See here for the discussion on training schedules in general: http://en3.strikermanager.com/foros/hilo.php?id=520584

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Training schedules

Edited by @sicox86 17-02-2023 12:06
17/02/2023 12:00
  FC Kylle - Div2/Gr3
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